KATO Mission
KATO’s Mission Statement is ‘Supporting Skills and Learning in Kent’
We do this for our members by:
Making valuable connections
- Providing valuable networking opportunities at members’ network meetings, subgroup committees and events.
- Providing high quality and relevant speakers at network meetings and other meetings.
- Disseminating live sector analysis of key policy changes and funding opportunities and access to consultation processes and lobbying.
Raising your profile
- Promoting our members’ provision on our website and opportunities to feature in the provider spotlight.
- Supporting cross referrals, collaboration, and new opportunities for members.
- Seeking funding opportunities and work collaboratively with members to develop their businesses
Ensuring you have a say in decisions that affect your organisation
- Lobbying about key sector issues on their behalf.
- Providing access to CPD opportunities.
- Promoting access to business development opportunities.
Become a Member
Are you a provider of skills & training and want to make valuable connections, raise your profile, and access relevant information? If so, join now.
Are you an employer, a parent or an individual interested in apprenticeships?
Find out more here.
If you have a question, or would like to discuss or request anything specific please contact us here, we will be pleased to help.